
By taxi
By taxi

Taxi service is available from Ashland Taxi Cab 541 890-8080 or Yellow Cab 541 482-3065.

By plane
By plane

The Medford International Airport is located 15 miles north of Ashland and is serviced by Allegiant Air, United Air Lines, and Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air. Cascade Airport Shuttle 541 488-1998, taxis and some hotels provides service from the airport to Ashland for a nominal fee.

If you are flying your own plane, you can use the Ashland airport S03.

By train
By train

The closest Amtrak station is located in Klamath Falls, approximately 80 miles away. A shuttle meets the Coast Starlight from California at 10:20 a.m.each day arriving in Ashland at 1:00 p.m. If you are traveling from the north you must take the connection bus from Portland to the Ashland shuttle. Both shuttles arrive at Safeway about a half mile from downtown. Check for more information. *Note:* The Southwest Point shuttle from Klamath Falls to the area is much cheaper than adding the bus leg on an Amtrak tickety (http://www.southwest-poin...)

By bus
By bus

Greyhound ( stops in nearby Medford. The local RVTD bus Route 10 stops at Mr. C's where the Greyhound bus stations is at :26 & 56 past the hour. The bus ride into downtown will take you about 10 minutes. Buses run between 5:26am and 6:56pm, Monday-Friday. You pay when you get on the bus.